Wednesday 7 September 2011

the unexplained


so far, i have been thinking of 'life' as the combination of 'feeling/thinking' and 'nature'... (as in while making sex, we FEEL the love and leave the seed to our spouse's womb, which is the nature part of it.)

today, while i was sowing some seeds in my garden, i found that i was missing something..... EVEN PLANTS HAVE LIFE and is passed on from plant to its sibling via a SEED - a place where the plant stores the LIFE for long time and the seed comes to life only when conditions (dampness, sun, etc) favour it to.

then i thought who is doing the THINKING part here???? is it the plant/tree??

if we make a scar on the tree bark, who is healing it over the time? if we chop off a branch, who is commanding it to produce a new one over there???? who is making a decision to create a tasty, wonderfully scented and attractively colored pulp around a seed of a tree so that we/animals, eager to eat that 'false fruit' help in spreading the breed of that tree!!!!!????

and finally, when we sow a old, dried grain and water it, how does a separate life spring out of it???


then my perspective went onto the dimension of TIME. I applied the TIME part to this theory.....

short lived things like-a mosquito-for example, lives for say 10 days - it doesn't know that human beings take birth, grow old and die.... because it's life span is very short when compared....

similarly, a dog, whose life span is between 7 and 14 years may just know that humans grow. and before it's master dies, the dog may die.....

now, i thought, may be everything around us is alive.....

may be we are the short lived animals if compared to trees and even from a granule of sand to huge continents, planets, stars, etc.....

may be our life span is not long enough to see the BRAINS of a tree and it's ancestors....

scientists now-a-days discovered that all the dry part of earth was one before it separated itself to continents....

they just studied the MOVEMENT of the tectonic plates....

may be we are missing the other metabolic activities in the system.....

or may be we are too short lived in comparision to their metabolic activities..... (it may sound funny though...)

and similarly, may be we are too short-lived to study their 'THINKING'......  (now, this definitely sounds CRAZY)

and speaking about extra-terrestrial (alien) life.....

we are searching for life on mars, jupiter, saturn etc...

when my weight is 60 kg on earth, i may weigh only 10 kg on moon.... thatz because the moon's gravitational pull is only 1/6th of that of earth. and if we let a child grow on moon, he may grow taller as the gravitational pull from ground to his body parts is lower.

similarly, when something is living on jupiter, the thing will be shorter and heavier. at the same time, it will have very sluggish movements and metabolic activities. may be the things living on jupiter are made of silicon tissue. may be they breathe nitrogen or some other gas for respiration.... may be we are taking them as mere 'rocks and mountains' and may be we humans never spent enough time to observe their activities on their planet!!

......  now coming back to 'the seed, the plant, the rock, the continent, the planet' thing,,... take something in common..... the unexplained part of it.... we lack time to explain it....

how is the 'life' given to sperm of an animal undergoing sexual reproduction???
how is the 'life' given to the seed of a plant undergoing sexual reproduction??????

how does a mere pollen grain turn to seed only when it falls into the ovule(or whatever they call it)???

how does a sperm form a animal only when it fertilises the egg after swimming in un-favourable acidic fluids and wins a race with millions of it's brothers and sisters to fertilise ???

why can't a granule of sand or a carbon atom fertilise an egg????

whats that special, unexplained part called 'life' actually is??????

Tuesday 5 July 2011

what happens after death?

after death we attain true happiness (final destination)

we all know everyone will die one day.

but we all strive to run away from death. in bargain, we sacrifice or forget our true happiness in living. even on deathbed, we try to stick to friends/ family members and even in the final moments, we r suffering in trying to survive. that is, the soul is suffering to stick to the body and it is making the body to suffer aswell. (u may personally observe the body language of any person on the death bed).

once the soul leaves the body, since the body don't have the ability to think anymore, there is no more struggling. (u may observe the calmness and happiness of the body without soul). i've personally observed this. (pls. don't misunderstand. i don't practice occult; neither do i kill).

thats the reason i said "after death is the true happiness"

contact '' if in doubt.

now comes my question (this will make u think):

which death do u prefer? slow and hospitalised death? or a sudden death directly from healthy living or by an accident?

my answers in the next post....

Saturday 2 July 2011

Does God Exist?

This is an age old question that dwelled through the minds of humanity....

kingdoms raised and fell, wars 'killed' innumerable souls, people suffered in answering this simple question - due to difference in views.

this question is not in just one community or religion... it is everywhere.

on the other hand, we hindus are blessed with records of words given by scholars....

we call them 'vedas', 'upanishads', 'gitas', 'ramayana', 'bharatha', 'bhagavathas', etc....

they give a vast information what we don't even seek in the existing time.

'vedas' give us the directions and proceedures of various rituals and 'swaras' or 'sruthis' which will lead us to be a good being in this material world. we call them 'KARMA YOGA'. (IN THIS OCCASSION, LET ME TELL U THAT IT IS THE SOUND AND VIBRATION OF 'OM' THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. IT IS NOT A SACRED SYMBOL IN ONE SCRIPT. 'OM' IS A SACRED SOUND/VIBRATION which will help vibrate the vital organs of our brain and make us happy and healthy)

'ramayana', 'bharatha', 'bhagavathas' are our guides to inner peace and so called 'moksha'... like 'rama' (the fruit of 'saathvika vrithi' of 'dasaradha' - a 'saadhaka' who is trying to take over the 'dasha indriya prakruthi') slays/takes over 'dasha kantha raavana' (the 'ghosha' or painful sounds made by the so suppressed 'dasha indriyas') and rules over 'ayodhya' (a kingdom which is hard to take over - human mind) - GNYAANA YOGA.

and the remaining 'upanishads', 'githas', etc are direct words saying that there is 'no separate god' they say that human being when directed through 'KARMA YOGA' and 'GNYAANA YOGA' will automatically attain 'ADVAITHA' or 'AATHMA YOGA' - which says that there is no two things in this creation. we are not coming from somewhere and we r not heading for somewhere... we r from this nature and we mingle in this nature itself. nature's nature is to change....

this is attained by 'tarka' (thinking). ....

tharka - the thinking.....

think of it.
the misleading words of history's 'wise' people state:

god is everywhere. god is in the atom. god is in the universe. universe is in god. god cannot be created and can't be destroyed. god changes shape and size. god travels through time. we are made of god. we mingle into god on death. ...... 

now relate this to science... for example, 'E equals mc square' theory which states ENERGY as the raw material of everything.

ENERGY is everywhere. ENERGY is in the atom. ENERGY is in the universe. universe is in ENERGY. ENERGY can neither be created nor be destroyed. ENERGY changes it's form. since the Energy can't be destroyed, it lives through time (this was told as 'god travels through time'). we are made of ENERGY. we mingle into ENERGY on death. 

now, the question comes why our 'wise men' misleaded us by changing words.

imagine that u r one of those 'wise men' and u understood the theory of this raw material. if u go try to explain it to some dumbster, he will say that u r mad. because, u have no 'definite proof'. we cannot roam around stating that there is 'shakthi' in air, water, soil, trees, humans, etc..... checkout my words... i converted ENERGY into SHAKTHI...

to make the dumbsters believe, our wise men gave SHAKTHI/ENERGY a form with hands and legs... they CREATED a form to the power believing in which will save us... and going against (mis-using) which will destroy us..... a power to worship... a power to be scared of.... a power which will ask us to sacrifice (not the poor animal life... but sacrifice some bad habits that dwell within ourselves - KAAM, KROTH, LOBH, MOH, MADH, MAATHSARY)

i think now u get if there is god.

now, if u think that i am clear in this matter, u probably misunderstood me.

and if u understood me properly, definitely there will be some doubts to clarify.

contact me at i will try my best to help us. 

have a nice day.....